Mutual funds combine the capital from a large number of investors, investing it in equities, bonds and other securities (such as real estate and commodities). The investor buys shares in a basket of securities managed by professionals. In contrast to purchases of individual shares or bonds, success is not dependent on a single investment. The effect of a poor performance of one security can be absorbed by good performances of others.
The price or value (net asset value) of a fund unit varies over time. It is linked to the performance of the securities and assets held by the fund. The price is calculated daily.The fund price already includes the management fee. However, the initial charge, which falls due at the time of purchase and the other fees, as for instance individual account and deposit fees, are not taken into account.
You can begin investing in fund units with very small amounts. Our s Fonds Plan allows you to put aside regular amounts, from as little as EUR 30 a month.
So you only need a small sum to start investing in the international securities markets.
You can buy or sell all Erste Asset Management mutual funds on any day. The fund unit issue and redemption prices are calculated daily using objective and verifiable valuation methods.
The KIDs and factsheets offer you more detailed information on the respective mutual funds.
Mutual fund units are available from Erste Bank, Sparkasse and all other banks. Your advisor will be happy to help you choose the most suitable fund. You can also buy fund units online.
Mutual funds qualify as special funds. Even if the fund company or custodian bank were declared insolvent, the fund assets would not be considered part of the bankruptcy assets: they remain separate. In addition, fund providers are subject to constant monitoring and surveillance by the Austrian Financial Market Authority (FMA) and external auditors.
Our service is based on the "SRRI indicator", which ranges from 1 (low risk) to 7 (high risk). Please note that this indicator can change in the future.
Basically you can sell your fund at any time. The recommended holding period for the investment funds of Erste Asset Management, ERSTE-SPARINVEST, and Ringturm is based on the "Synthetic Risk and Reward Indicator" (SRRI, see also Fund Glossary). This risk indicator is calculated according to the regulations issued by the European Securities and Markets Authority and forms an integral part of the key investor information documents (also referred to as KIID). You can find the recommended holding period in the overview of the respective fund or in the fund fact sheet that can also be downloaded. The minimum recommended holding period for a fund with an SRRI of 1 or 2 is three years, while it is five years for a fund with an SRRI of 3 or 4, and seven years for a fund with an SRRI of 5, 6, or 7. The minimum recommended holding period of an equity fund is seven years, for example.
Podielové fondy AM SLSP spravuje spoločnosť Asset Management Slovenskej sporiteľne, správ. spol., a. s., Tomášikova 48, 832 65 Bratislava, IČO: 35 820 705, zapísaná v Obchodnom registri Okresného súdu Bratislava I, oddiel: Sa, vložka c. 2814/B. Investovanie do podielových fondov je spojené aj s rizikom. Hodnota investície sa môže aj znižovať a nie je zaručená návratnosť pôvodne investovanej sumy. Výnosy z investície do podielových fondov dosiahnuté v minulosti nie sú zárukou budúcich výnosov. Hospodárenie podielového fondu sa riadi štatútom, predajným prospektom a kľúčovými informáciami pre investorov, ktoré možno získať v slovenskom jazyku na všetkých predajných miestach správcovskej spoločnosti.